The Four Seasons of Breakupvia

Dealing with a relationship break-up? Are you....

*Struggling to come to accept that your relationship is over? *Unsure how to rebuild your life? *Under pressure to be okay from well-meaning friends and family? *Desperate to start feeling hopeful about the future and clearer about what you want?

Welcome to Breakupvia.

Like anyone who's feeling a bit lost, you might be missing the two vital things that could make a huge difference to your Recovery Journey - a guidebook and a map. In this ground-breaking and highly practical workbook, Margaret K Johnson gives you just that.

Most self-help books are just about reading and reflecting, but not this one. Using practical activities and specialist writing therapy exercises, this workbook is designed to take you through all four season of Recovery from relationship break-up, helping you to:

*Accept what's happened to you. *Take care of yourself. *Deal with anger issues and grief. *Deepen you self-love and self-esteem. *Trust and feel hopeful again. *Put you in touch with your amazing future.

So, grab your notebook and take your first steps through the rugged, but ultimately exciting and fulfilling land of Breakupvia.