註釋This analysis indicates that Kucho Creek and Klappan Coal are theprospects most likely to become viable mines towards the end ofthe 1980's or early in the 1990's. Stikine Copper is anotherinteresting prospect, however, there are a number of technicalproblems relating to access and working conditions which arelikely to delay development for a number of years. Schaft Creekappears to be a marginal prospect within the late 1980's or early1990's time frame but could reach production by the year 2000. Eaglehead is also a marginal prospect; under optimisticassumptions it will reach production prior to the year 2000. Sustut Copper is very marginal and only under very optimisticassumptions will it reach production by the year 2000. Finally, Letain Asbestos, Adanac Molybdenum and Red Chris Copper appearunlikely to reach production prior to the year 2000, even from avery optimistic perspective.