Efficacy of Vermicompost and Conventional Compost on Growth and Yield of Cauliflower
註釋An experiment was conducted at experimental field of the Soil Science Division, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Gazipur, Bangladesh during the period from October 2008 to March 2009 to study the effect of vermicompost and conventional compost on the growth and yield of cauliflower. The experiment comprised of twelve treatments viz. T1: 100% Recommended Dose of Chemical Fertilizer (RDCF; RDCF= N250P35K65S40 Zn5B1 kgha-1); T2: 80% RDCF; T3: 60% RDCF; T4: 100% RDCF+Vermicompost @ 1.5 tha-1; T5: 80% RDCF+Vermicompost @ 3 tha-1; T6: 60% RDCF+Vermicompost @ 6 tha-1; T7: Vermicompost @ 6 tha-1; T8: 100% RDCF+Conventional compost @ 1.5 tha-1; T9: 80% RDCF+Conventional compost @ 3 tha-1; T10: 60% RDCF+Conventional compost @ 6 tha-1; T11: Conventional compost @ 6 tha-1 and T12: Control (No fertilization) following Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications. Maximum plant height (49.4 cm), number of leaves plant-1 (16.3), circumference of curd (46.5 cm), curd height (20.7 cm), total weight (1.60 kg plant-1), marketable weight (13.0 kg plant-1), curd yield (37.6 tha-1) and stover yield (29.7 tha-1) were found from T4 which was statistically identical with or followed by T8 and T5. From the experiment it was found that vermicompost was better that conventional compost in combination with chemical fertilizers.