Reflections to Help Transform Your Life
註釋You can read Reflections in small, 3 minute bites. You can open it randomly, savor a moment and feel renewed and refreshed much like a dip in the ocean on a hot summers day.These simple reflections are designed to gently change your thinking and in the process your life.So what you can expect from this simple book, in a nutshell:* Lots more happiness* Sudden unexpected eruptions of laughter and joy* Love* Knowing you are loved, you are lovable and you are love* Seeing life through the eyes of love* Magic and miracles becoming part of your life* Life become easier and easier* Abundance* More of what you do want and less of what you don't wantSound good? A little unbelievable? Is your first response, "Yeah, right!"Well, I can't just wave a magic wand over your head and make it so (although that was one of my fondest wishes when I first started teaching) but with a little willingness on your part and about five minutes day your thinking will change and so will your life will.Our thoughts do become things. It is simple: Change your thoughts and your life changes.If you plant a tomato seed expecting a watermelon you will be disappointed every time. No matter how much you want watermelons you will get tomatoes. The same is true of our life. We habitually think the same thoughts, we tell ourselves the same stories and wonder why our lives never seem to change.This book will help you begin to change your habitual thinking.Happiness and joy are your birthright.