The Deliberate Millionaire's CONFIDENCE Book
For Driven Spiritual People Who Know They Are Meant For More But Feel Stifled By Self-Doubt & Low Self-Esteem. You Can Rise Victorious
出版Rosemary Nonny Knight, 2021-03-27
主題Self-Help / SpiritualSelf-Help / General

YOU ARE MEANT FOR MORE (And self-doubt is not allowed to take that away from you)

✅ You Deserve to live a life of freedom, fulfilment, financial abundance and unconditional love, not a life of settling for whatever scraps you manage to pick up.

✅ You deserve to have loving relationships, not be forever trapped in relationships that feel wrong, feel disempowering, feel dead because you are scared that 'this is as good as it gets and if I leave these ones, there may be nothing out there for me'

✅ You do deserve to be loved, not trapped in a lonely, single life because you think 'there is something wrong with me'

✅ You deserve to have a healthy, energetic body. No, you do not have to feel weaker and tired-er all the time - that is just the weight of fear and doubt anchoring you down and that can be shaken.

✅ You deserve to have excess money in the bank, not forever living from one paycheck to the next, forever saying no to opportunities that you WANT TO take part in but you keep telling yourself that you can't afford. Money is not your master, my love! Money exists to support you! Learn how to let it!

✅ You deserve to do work that fills your heart with glee, not be trapped in a job or business that drains the life out of you and is 'not too bad, at least it pays the bills'

✅ You deserve to live a joyous, fun-filled adventure of a life, not be forever stressed-out, burnt-out, worried about how you are coming across to others, full of self doubt and self-criticism

It does not matter what life has thrown at you, to date

It does not matter how hard it has been up to now...

It does not matter how much struggle you have had to overcome to be here.

You KNOW you are meant for more.

And regardless of what nonsense self-doubt would have you believe, you also KNOW that...

✅ You are good enough

✅ You are strong enough

✅ You are wise enough

✅ You are skilled enough

✅ You have PAID enough (not that this should matter at all, as you came out of the womb, already worthy but I know the crazy workings of your mind, you think you need to earn stuff and That is also why you absolutely need this book!)


Read this book and discover simple strategies to regain the self-confidence that is yours. And in doing that, you will be able to reclaim the prosperous-in-all-areas life that is yours by Divine right.

It is time to take back dominion over your life and your affairs.