Disaggregating Input-output Tables for the Calculation of Raw Material Footprints
Karl Schoer
Monika Dittrich
Sonja Limberger
Birte Ewers
Jan Kovanda
Jan Weinzettel
Minimum Requirements, Possible Methods, Data Sources and a Proposed Method for Eurostat : 2021 Edition
Publications Office of the European Union
, 2021
Domestic material consumption (DMC) and material footprint (MF) economy-wide material flow indicators have been suggested to monitor the Sustainable Development Goal 8: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all, and Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns. While the DMC indicator is well-established and regularly quantified for many countries, the material footprint indicator is subject to scientific estimates and has not been institutionalised yet. Environmentally extended multi-regional input-output analysis is currently the most promising way of estimating the material footprint of countries and regions on a global level, as it provides consistent results (the material footprint of all countries sums up to the material extraction of all countries). In input-output analysis, all existing products and economic activities are grouped into a limited number of product groups and economic sectors, which are assumed to be homogenous, i.e. they are assumed to be produced with an identical structure of inputs and to be sold with identical sales structures. The inhomogeneity of the product groups and economic sectors is responsible for the aggregation error which is therefore inherent to input-output calculations. The intention is to estimate the material footprint using an official multi-regional input-output datasets, which are currently limited to FIGARO (developed by the EU) and OECD ICIO (developed by OECD). The OECD ICIO covers the entire world in a multi-regional framework, distinguishing 64 countries and regions. FIGARO covers just the EU countries and the USA. The most important drawback of those datasets is their coarse product/sector resolution, which results in high aggregation error for the estimated material flow indicators. The goal of this document is to provide guidance on the use of the FIGARO multi-regional input-output dataset for estimation and in-depth analysis of the material footprint and other economy-wide material flow indicators in raw material equivalents (RME), such as RMI (raw material input) and RME of imports and exports for the European Union and its individual countries. The aim of this guidance is to minimize the aggregation error. Aggregation error of the footprint indicators is a complex phenomenon as it propagates through the input-output calculation, which contains a matrix inversion. Therefore, the general way of its estimation is a test calculation within the aggregated system and a comparison with results derived within the more disaggregated system. This report first reviews existing studies focused on aggregation error and disaggregation methods. Then it presents results from our test calculations of the aggregation error based on the current Eurostat RME model which is used for the calculation of the EU material footprint. The Eurostat RME model is highly disaggregated with a focus on the products and economic activities most relevant for the material footprint and applies physical units for selected product groups.