註釋NOTE: It is customary amongst Wakaya, Bularnu, Waluwarra and Yinjilanji people, and other Aboriginal groups, not to use the name or image of a deceased person for a period following their passing. Deceased authors are indicated by the cross symbol (?), and users of this book should show caution in displaying the images or saying the names of the deceased as it may cause sadness and distress for some family members.This book is copyright. Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of private study, research, criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright Act, no part of this publication may be reproduced by any means whatsoever without the written permission of the publisher and copyright owners. The language and information contained in this book includes the traditional biocultural knowledge, cultural expression and references to biological resources (plants and animals) of Wakaya, Bularnu, Waluwarra and Yinjilanji people. The information is published by Wakaya, Bularnu, Waluwarra and Yinjilanji traditional owners, for the purposes of knowledge preservation, general education and language maintenance. This information should not be used commercially in any way including in tourism, food technology including bush tucker applications, medicines, pharmaceutical products, health and beauty products, storytelling or as trade marks, patents and designs, without observing the Aboriginal cultural protocols of prior informed consent, attribution to traditional Aboriginal communities, cultural integrity and the sharing of benefits.The plant and animal illustrations are the property of the Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security. These materials should not be used without appropriate approval.