Genetic Population Structure of Chinook Salmon from Middle and Upper Susitna River
A Report to Alaska Energy Authority, Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project (submitted July 25, 2017)
出版Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Commercial Fisheries, 2021
註釋In 2012, the Alaska Energy Authority proposed a hydroelectric dam on the Susitna River upstream of Devils Canyon. Chinook salmon are the only anadromous species known to spawn within and above Devils Canyon. Policymakers need to know if Chinook salmon spawning above the canyon constitute separate self-sustaining population(s) or are a collection of strays from other populations. Here we analyzed genotypes for 12 microsatellite loci from 322 spawning adults and 408 juvenile Chinook salmon collected in the Middle and Upper Susitna Rivers. We determined that the juvenile collections were not appropriate for representing populations within and above Devils Canyon because they were highly related (resulting in upwardly biased genetic distances) and they did not conform to Hardy-Weinberg expectations. Annual estimates of effective population size for within and above Devils Canyon based on juvenile relatedness, sonar, and mark-recapture data were on the order of 10 to 100 fish for each section after accounting for biases and uncertainties in effective population size estimates. Tests for homogeneity of allele frequencies were significantly different between adults captured above and within Devils Canyon and between these fish and populations from below Devils Canyon (Indian River and Portage Creek). Allelic richness and private allele richness for adults captured within and above Devils Canyon was not significantly different from populations below Devils Canyon. Based on these lines of evidence, we conclude that spawning aggregates within and above Devils Canyon are neither a collection of strays from Indian River and Portage Creek nor self-sustaining populations, but likely a combination of both.