MINERAL WATERS AND HOT SPRINGS FROM BRAZIL: Natural Biologically Active Compounds (BAC)

The natural surrounds and resources wrapping hot or mineral springs belong to sustainable matter involving governance and strategic planning of public health, environment, welfare, tourism and mining sectors. Noted it, through the current Brazilian policy demand: social thermalism/hydrotherapy/crenotherapy selected like complementary alternative medicine (CAM) by health ministry law MS 971/2006 (PNPIC), hydro-thermal therapy qualifying DNPM (MME Ordinance 127/2011 and MME 337/2002), health and wellness tourism formally oriented by tourism ministry and environmental management groundwater resources (Resolution MME / CONAMA 396/2008 and MME / CNRH 107/2010). Whereas as fresh potable reserves or potential mineral aquatic strategic deposits, the main biologically active components (BAC) were identified, with their minimum levels needed to related health benefits. Similar to conventional mining prospection, these “cut off grade” detection, at natural occurrences from Brazil, was the major goal in this work. The bibliographic systematic review allowed identify the main bioactive substances (BAC) related to springs sources of elements enougth or proven as health beneficial and at which indications. Wards after, it was performed a georeferenced database with these same variables (BAC) from Brazilian springs. Overlays all through thematic maps assisted in geographical and geological evaluations, whereas, at the end, statistical comparisons filtered target selection at all. The total 60 possible natural BAC and its minimum values for efficacy globally reviewed and established were detected at least one BAC occurrence from 703 mineral springs at 525 Brazilian cities. The arguments utilized were important in demonstrating the abundant and diverse existence of this endowment, where its potential health applications are virtually unknown today.