Surviving the Shattered Heart
註釋You never wanted your marriage to end and yet, you find yourself today staring at the dreaded "D" word. Divorce. As a Christian, you feel like your heart has shattered into a million pieces. You have so many questions, so many emotions. And yet, you have a hard time returning to your church, your pastor and to the cross of Christ.
Step forward today and face your emotions and your pain. Ask the hard questions. Seek the answers you don't know how to find the answers to. Start the path toward healing your shattered heart in the only way that can truly heal you... at the foot of the cross of the Savior Jesus Christ.
This book explores the post-divorce Christian experience and emotions in a compassionate and caring way. Each chapter utilizes scripture to bring hope and healing, includes a prayer to conclude, along with journaling and action steps the reader can take to further their healing process.
The healing process is different for everyone, but there are things you can do to help your heart heal with Jesus holding you in the palm of His hands the whole time.