Have you ever failed? Hit a roadblock that felt impossible at the time? As someone asking friends and family to believe in you while you try to build a business, have you ever felt overwhelmed or embarrassed, almost too scared to go forward but too ashamed to quit?
Learn how these author-entrepreneurs hit a wall, pivoted, built even stronger businesses, and now have Million Dollar Stories making a difference and changing lives. Best of all, they'll show you how you can pivot and profit, too!
You'll hear from Nic Fitzgerald who went from living in someone else's basement with his family of six, not even owning a camera and earning exactly $0, to becoming CEO of his own video company generating $100,000 in just eight months. And you'll hear from Dr. Grace Lee who spent her 9th birthday in the hospital with a broken neck from a car accident that killed her mother, became homeless as a young teenager, and is now a sought-after CEO with a business that has surpassed the $500,000 dollar mark. But ... no more spoilers! You'll have to read Your Million Dollar Stories so you, too, can pivot successfully and be inspired to profit and win with purpose!