Understanding curriculum integration in medical education
註釋Cuniculum integration (CI) has been embraced as a notable strategy for reforming and creating medical education programs around the world. However, medical schools seem to struggle when integrating their cunicula. This is possibly a consequence of the confusing definitions of CI that are anchored on diverse learning theories. Thus, clarifying the framework of CI may provide stakeholders insights into how to succeed in the endeavor of analyzing, designing, implementing and evaluating an integrated curriculum. This thesis aimed to understand medical CI from a contextual perspective by answering what the meanings of CI are in the practice oftwo types of integrated curricula. To answer it, we analyzed the stakeholders' subjective experiences oftheir problem-based learning curriculum and built four theoretical constructs of CI. Then, we transferred the constmcts to understand the meanings of the practice of an integrated- systems cumculum. By doing this, we refined and extended our theoretical constructs.