註釋Sabbatica Volume IV: The Gardens of Bones and the Arcana of Death, emerges as an exposition of spectral seals, opening the astral paths of sorcery and magick. A volume conjoined in arcane gnosis in order to evoke the primal path, that leads us to sacred knowledge pouring forth from the secret vessels of sabbatic mysteries. This grimoire is an in-depth voyage to the kingdom of the garden of bones and necrosophic traditions moving from anthropological to psychological and to the most hidden roots.

EDGAR KERVAL is a draconian magician and occultist who has manifested his work in writing, music and art, focussing on deep states of consciousness and gnosis. With intense integrity and passion he demonstrates the qualities of an adept who exemplifies the artist-magician.

SABBATICA VOLUME IV features essays by Fr. Nemiron, Bill Duvendack, Lukasz Grochocki, Veronica Vivas, Sean Woodward, Humberto Maggi, Leonard Dewar, Sarah-Jayne Farrer, J. A. Perez, Joey Morris and Edgar Kerval.

VOLUME IV also includes artwork by Sean Woodward, Sarah-Jayne Farrer, Kaela, Edgar Kerval and Gary Rosenberg.