Do you have a desire to know the "on-the-ground" facts concerning the validity of the New Testament? Have you ever wanted to know what the original languages were and what they said, and to stop relying upon one published translation after another, without studying the languages? Want a different kind of New Testament commentary that is not boring and will excite you to understand how and why the New Testament came to be? Need Solid proof of the validity of the New Testament and the statements of the Messiah? Desire a ground-breaking work that will unite the pages of history with the pages of the Bible? "The Exegetical Study Guide Series" by A. T. Steele will provide the reader with understandable, yet technical, access to the original language without having ever taken one course to do so. Far from being a surface-level study, this book will draw the reader into the richness and depth of the New Covenant concept, rife with life-applications. Prepare to understand the original New Testament content as it was intended to be understood by its original authors.
It is a beginner's guide to deeper New Testament study as well as a long-awaited work for the bible student, and can be utilized in personal and group studies, collegiate pursuits and as a reference for research. Steele's methods of explaining the original Greek of the New Testament and demonstrating how it is translated is a careful crafted and designed for the average reader, and is positively unlike anything else found on the subject. The reader will assuredly walk away from the book with a new outlook on how the New Testament came to be, and how history was awakened in the first-century. This book should be in the hands of any serious student of biblical exegesis, and every serious Christian who is on the path of real discipleship.