The Business Year: Colombia 2021/22

Colombia is undergoing a period of generation-marking adversity. And saying this of Colombia is a tall order given a tumultuous yesterday of armed conflict and internal mass displacement. Today's struggles are of a different nature, however. President Duque has had to give simultaneous management to the COVID-19 health crisis, the Venezuelan refugee crisis, and an expanding fiscal deficit situation that lost the country its investment-grade rating. All this against a backdrop of mass social discontent manifested by record-setting civilian protest. Considering this concoction of challenges, Colombian business leaders have demonstrated the exceptional traits of resilience that characterize this country's people. This edition of The Business Year: Colombia is dedicated to them.

This 188-page publication aims to paint a picture of Colombia's current economic condition, examining each major sector through exclusive interviews, as well as news and analysis, from from finance to energy and transport to tourism.