Croatia 2: Ludwig Von Gaj Opposes Croatia’S Hungarian Heritage
註釋Retired professor of political science, New York born Dr. Ivo Vukcevich is the author of Rex Germanorum Populus Sclavorum An Inquiry into the Origin & Early History of the Serbs/Slavs of Sarmatia, Germania, & Illyria, translated as Slavenska Germanija. A recognized authority on Slavic pre-history and contemporary South Slavic national-political issues, in Croatia - Ludwig von Gaj and the Croats are Herrenvolk Goths Syndrome, based mainly on standard Croat sources, Dr. Vukcevich introduces the reader to Ludwig von Gaj, the mid-nineteenth Creator of Croat nationhood as well as national identity issues in modern Croatia, with special attention to Croat-Serb relations. A work in progress examines the 800-year history of the Banat of Croatia in Hungary.