註釋The Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca is a journey of self-discovery and an exploration of man's relationship with the Creator. Mecca is located in an arid land where nothing grows, and few, if any, earthly distractions exist. The pilgrim is therefore left alone face to face with God. Each stage of the Hajj should bring the pilgrim closer to the objective of self-knowledge. However, attaining this depends on each person's natural ability and desire to do so. For this reason, no two Hajj journeys are ever alike, and every Hajj pilgrim leaves the great journey forever altered from the person they were beforehand. It is difficult to capture the Hajj in text or visually since the Hajj is larger than any possible description. No book or photograph can ever give the Hajj its due. Even those who perform the Hajj can never fully comprehend it. Nonetheless, in this book, Saudi princess and photographer Reem Al Faisal attempts to document the Hajj, which every Muslim must undertake once in his or her lifetime. But Princess Al Faisal, herself a Muslim, does not confine herself to recording religious expressions. With her photographs she also tries to reveal the divine in man and nature. For her, photography itself is a means of honoring God's presence.


Many books have been written through the ages about the experience of Hajj, a deeply religious rite of going within and dedication, which Muslims perform in remembrance of Abraham and as a way of circumventing the world and finding God in deep and total worship. But the journey requires much physically, as well, and makes a huge emotional impact on the pilgrims. This book is different in that it portrays in full page black and white photographs the experience of the Hajj for the pilgrims. Without captions, the pictures speak for themselves, making quite an impact. The pages of text at the beginning of the five units of the book are well written and beautiful in spirit. The sections show Arrival, Pilgrims and Tourists, Makkah, Hajj, and Departure. It is an eye-opening book for non-Muslims and for those intending to take the journey. It is an amazing portrayal of humanity's dedication to spirit.
Bonnie Neely, Real Travel Adventures, 2009/11/19