Become the Alpha Male
How to Be an Alpha Male, Dominate in Both the Boardroom and Bedroom, and Live the Life of a Complete Badass
出版Independently Published, 2017-05-11
主題Family & Relationships / Dating
註釋Want to stop being the nice guy and become the man women can't resist? Are you always the friend, and never the lover? Wonder why women can't seem to desire you the way you deserve?Want to become the man that women lust after and men respect?Wish you could just... Become the Alpha Male?Well...If you would like to become the alpha male that women lust after and men respect... even if you're currently the wussiest guy ever, get treated like a doormat, and inspire only pitiful looks from women... then this book will show you how. Live the life of a badass and pull chicks like a bad boy Here are a few little num nums from inside the book for you to nibble on...
  • How to have the body language of James Bond and walk around like a total badass (your new alpha body language will make guys respect you and girls go weak at the knees for you)
  • The one simple way to make your voice deep and authoritative (studies show deeper-voiced CEOs, salesmen and politicians earn more, sell more and get voted in more--it's really that important)
  • How to "turn the tables" on hot women make them try to impress you
  • How to make grown men quiver in their boots (and make women go weak at the knees) with but a look in the eye
And so much more!To stroll around with a swagger in your step, a babe on your arm, and a worryingly obese wallet in your pocket, make sure to grab a copy of Alpha the F*ck Up today. Dominate your dating life As soon as you get your filthy little hands on this book, you'll know...
  • How to, step-by-step, cultivate an awe-inspiring "executive presence" that earns you promotions (and damsels!)
  • How to develop the "gives zero f*cks" mindset of a badass alpha
  • A simple conversation hack that makes you seem 10X more impressive to women
  • Why being a disagreeable jerk puts more money in your bank account and more babes in your bed (and even gets you promoted)
And much, much more! To alpha the f*ck up, scroll up to the top of this page and click BUY NOW!