Apps are like valets, expected to serve people whenever and wherever they are, on whatever device they have. They represent the future of how enterprises interact with customers, employees, partners and machines, as we increasingly access the Internet and control our world from the palms of our hands. From a technology perspective, the apps revolution is redefining how applications are created, distributed and consumed. It is upending the traditional client-server, browser-centric web model and breaking up monolithic applications. The revolution can be viewed through five lenses: apps experience, apps everywhere, apps DNA, apps platforms and apps economy. Business people and consumers will want to read about the value this revolution is ushering in as our enterprises continue to embrace the consumerization of IT.
The apps economy is worth billions today and growing; this economy did not exist five years ago. Learn how context, new modes of interaction such as eye gaze and haptics, connected things, application programming interfaces, DIY development, and an outside-in approach to IT are driving the revolution. Simply put, the Apps rEvolution is about business change – creating new experiences, inventing new products and services, and redefining customer service while improving productivity and efficiency.