Brokering Circular Labour Migration

This book examines the commercialisation of domestic and care work through private agencies that organise transnational care arrangements by brokering migrant workers.

The book focuses on the emergence of private for-profit home care agencies following the 2011 extension of the Free Movement of Workers to Eastern European Countries agreement in Switzerland. The agencies recruit migrant women from these countries and place them in private households for elderly care. This book explores how circular labour migration for these care workers is facilitated. In the form of a mobile ethnography, it traces their journey from Eastern European countries to Switzerland – from when care workers find employment and are recruited by agencies to when they arrive at their designated households. From the agencies’ analytical standpoint, the book examines the recruitment and placement practices of the home care agencies and their role in facilitating migration.

Brokering Labour Migration offers an understanding of new migration patterns and highlights fundamental changes in migration control with the extension of free movement of workers in Switzerland to lower-wage countries in Eastern Europe. It will be an invaluable resource for academics and scholars of geography, anthropology, sociology, and gender and migration.