A Robust Think Tank for Africa
Francis Chishala
Words of Hope, Ingenuity and Faith
Partridge Africa
, 2014-10-08
History / Africa / General
The book is in three parts and deals with (i) social, political, economic issues about Africa; (ii) theories of communication and how they are applied to contemporary situation: case of Africa; and (iii) about issues of religion and social justice. The chapters on Africa highlights the need for political will in its leaders, a new breed of leadership that is selfless, a robust intelligentia to chart a new path of development and concern for the plight of the marginalized, especially the young. The essay chapters deal with creating new theories of communication in dealing with the fast-paced media of our time. The chapters on faith deal with reconciliation and forgiveness, Christmas as time to think about children, and parable of talents teaching us care ethics. The book will inspire all those who have a heart for Africa and its many challenges and hopes. It will inspire those who want to understand the media in our modern age. Indeed, it will inspire all those who would want to tap on faith to learn the variable lesson that care and concern for the impoverished is a responsibility for all and an act of acting justly as individuals, corporate bodies, and governments. The chapters in this book are an example of journalism based on tested principles of faith and of care ethics. Indeed, for robust think tanks and leaders of Africa and those nations interested in the plight of Africa, it cannot go without saying that Africa is not only a new frontier to be cared for but an emerging frontier and partner in development and innovation as the sun shines brighter across the vast lands of mother Africa.