One Man In His Time:
註釋"One Man In His Time: A Memoir" is an account of a full life which includes Prentiss's participation in both national and local politics at a high level and his friendship with major figures including Sen. George McGovern and many others. He had two meetings with Gov. Jimmy Carter during his presidential campaigns, and he was a guest in the Reagan White House to receive a major medal. Other portions of his memoir describe, mostly in anecdotal accounts, his extensive work with troubled teenagers sent to his program by the Orange County Florida Juvenile Court. He was also a teacher and administrator at both the secondary (Florida Military School) and college (Valencia College in Orlando) levels of education. He reached many high goals in his life despite having a troubled early adolescence which he describes in detail. His Air Force experience as an Intelligence Officer was also one of high adventure. Prentiss has described himself psychologically as a "seeker of high sensation." This is borne out in his memoir including his choice to be a Volunteer Fireman and his Air Force "close calls." Much of his life is told in the details of his life and times. A reader will have a better feel for the years between 1932 and the present after reading this Memoir.