I, JAMES HICKS, of Bennington, Do Hereby Certify that I was Strongly Attached to Mrs. Margaret Adams, and was Desirous to Marry Her, But in Consequence of Her Refusal, I was Led Away by the Wiles of the Adversary, by Passion, and a Corrupt and Wicked Heart, to Say what I Have Said Against Her, and Whatever Reports are Circulated in Respect to My Having Had Carnal Knowledge of Mrs. Adams are FALSE and WITHOUT FOUNDATION, and I Have No Reason to Believe that Mrs. Adams is a Lewd Woman. I Confess and Acknowledge to Her, and the World, that I Have Wickedly Injured Her, and Am Sorry for It, and Wish to be Forgiven by Her, by Her Friends, and My Maker, and Redeemer. JAMES HICKS. Bennington, April 13, 1835
出版publisher not identified, 1835