God's Economy and the New Covenant
註釋"The Economy of God" is perhaps one of the most occluded topics in Christian Theology--its word appears seven times in the New Testament as oikonomia and bespeaks of God's "economy, administration, dispensation or stewardship" (Strong's G#3622). It is directly related to what, how, when, and where the "riches of Christ" are distributed among God's people. This topic is intrinsically integrated with the New Covenant inaugurated at the cross--"the New Covenant/New Testament in My blood" (Matt. 26:28; Luke 22:20). Deliberating on this highly sensitive subject in the context of One Truth, is a monumental undertaking--but Henry Hon is willing to tackle this most bewildering topic regarding how the New Covenant is altogether superior to that of the First Covenant--because the Life of Christ enables the New!