Eat the Elephant

How do you write a novel? Just like eating an elephant. One bite at a time.

There are a lot of books on individual aspects of writing, but how do you translate that to your own work? How do you know if you are applying it correctly? Creating a novel is a huge undertaking. How do you juggle the forest and the trees?

After having shared this method with many writers at every level of writing skills over my fifteen years as an editor and an author, what I’ve discovered is that the Novel Blueprint method covered in Eat the Elephant addresses these common problems.

Each time I write a book it feels like I’m starting from scratch. How do I write a book without reinventing the wheel each time?

There are so many pieces to juggle. Where do I even begin?

I can’t finish a book. I get partway through and then I get stuck.

How do I write faster and better?

There’s a lot to remember about writing a book. How do I make sure I hit all the important things? 

How do I write a book that readers rave about and tell their friends to buy?

The Novel Blueprint method gives you all the major components you need to construct your novel while still allowing for the element of surprise and the joy of creativity. It helps you write faster because you won’t have to be rewriting and deleting. When you sit down to write, you’ll know what you’re going to write.

It will help you write a better book, rich with characters that are believable and story arcs that are compelling. And it gives you a method you can use on book after book so you know exactly what you need to do each time you sit down to write.

How do you write a book? Using the Novel Blueprint method in Eat the Elephant. Buy now and start writing your novel today!