Plant Adaptation and Crop Improvement
註釋Plant adaptation, biodiversity, and improvement strategies; Understanding plant adaptation to achieve systematic applied crop improvement: a fundamental chellenge; Research approaches for variable rainfed systems-thinking globally, acting locally; Analysis of genotype by environmental interactions; Analysis of multi- trials: an historical perspective; Experimental design and analysis for variety trials; International network for genetic evalluation of rice (inger) and its modus operating for multi-environment testing; International multi-environmental trials at the Internatioanal Crops Research Institute for the Semi-arid Tropics; The CYMMYT wheat program's international multienvironment trials; Analysis and interpretation of data from the crop variety testing program in Western Australia; Relationships among analytical methods used to analyse genotypic adaptation in multi-environment trials; Methods of data standartization used in pattern analysis and AMMI models for the analysis of international multienvironmental variety trials-Theoretical development; Retrospective analysis of historical data sets from multienvironment trials-case studies; Three-mode analytical methods for crop improvement programs; Selection for grain quality traits in early generation barley breeding trials using residual maximum likelihood (REML); The international crop information systems (ICIC)-connects genebank to breeder to farmer's field; Interpretation of genotype by environmental interactions; The physiological basis of genotype by environment interaction in crop adaptation; Caracterizing environmental challenges using models; A physiological approach to the understanding of genotipe by environment interactions-a case study on improvement of drought adaptation in groundnut; Interacting genotype by environment interaction analysis, characterization of drought patterns, and farmer preferences to identify adaptive plant traits for pearl millet; Using simulation models to design new plant types and to analyse genotype by environment interactions in rice; Integrating physiological understanding and plant breeding via crop modelling and optimization; Copsaring simulation and experimental approaches to analysing genotype by environment interaction for yield in rainfed lowland rice; Integrateg approaches to plant improvement; Positive interpretation of genotype by environment interactions in relation to sustainability and biodiversity; A strategy for yield improvement of wheat which accommodates large genotype by environment interactions; Pattern analysis of gains from selection for drougtht tolerance in tropical maize populations; Environment characterization based on probe and reference genotypes; The importance of environmental characterization for understanding genotype by environment interactions; Using simulation models and spatial databases to improve the effeciency of plant breeding programs; Synthesis of strategies for crop improvement; Synthesis of strategies for crop improviment.