Porto Food Guide

We'll help you find the best food and restaurants.

With Porto Food Guide, you'll save time and make your trip special. Easily pick your favourites from over 80 restaurants, because you need options. But we kept things easy: it’s conveniently organized. So you can choose your ideal location, budget, or cuisine. It will also help you find the best food and wine shops, bars and markets.

Why choose us?

This 154-page guide is the result of a lifetime of eating in Porto, built with careful selection and independent research. Because trust is the best start for a delicious trip.

With Porto Food Guide, you will:

‣ Get an exclusive selection of places to eat, from taverns to cutting-edge restaurants.

‣ Feel like an insider into Porto’s food culture and traditions.

‣ Fall in love with local food, with dishes and ingredients made simple.

‣ Explore historic shops to buy genuine food and wine.

‣ Experience the charm of Porto’s food markets.

‣ Loosen up at Porto’s finest bars.

‣ Taste and recognize the many colours and ages of port wine.

If you won’t compromise on quality, you shouldn’t compromise on design. This ebook was designed to be as beautiful as it is useful. You deserve a clean, elegant layout with appetite-stirring photography.

The restaurant section is divided into 7 main areas. So you can always know where you can eat, wherever you are. But telling you an address isn’t enough. That’s why we built simple, elegant maps for each area, featuring important points of reference.

Sometimes it’s important to look at the big picture. We feature convenient lists that organize restaurants by price, zone, cuisine, and specialty dishes.