The Supreme Wisdom Of A Sage Volume #1: Prayer & Spiritual Connectedness

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” -Philippians 4:6-7

We are all familiar with the concept of prayer. We might not all actively pray in the same way, but we all know of and are familiar with the concept of prayer. Even if you only think of prayer as a means of expressing your hopes and fears, the act of prayer, or focusing your attention on situations that concern you, is a good thing because prayers do work. Prayer, rather than being on optional subject in the curriculum of living, should be a required subject in that we do not graduate into adequate human living without it. Prayer flows from a natural desire for a relationship with God.

Anybody can pray, anywhere, at anytime, alone or with other people. Prayer can be short or long, prayer can cover any distance so we can pray for people on the other side of the world, it can be personal or impersonal. Prayer is a very versatile thing. This guide is built to teach you how to pray effectively as well as give you monthly bible scriptures to pray with. If you use this guide effectively you’ll take your prayers to a whole new level and your life will follow in the same direction. Prayer has been described by Emmet Fox, a Christian writer, as “The Golden Key” to harmony and happiness.