
Make a Simple Change That Makes a World of Difference!

Tired of being picked on, unhappy with his appearance, and feeling down on himself, Marshall Reid decided to change his lifestyle and demanded that his family help him along the way. His plan was simple. For thirty-one days, Marshall made a conscious decision about every piece of food he put into his body.

An idea was born. For an entire month, the Reids as a family "portion sized" themselves. Weary of trying to follow strict, depriving diets, they instead paid close attention to how they ate by looking at portions, reading labels, and learning about ingredients. In the process, they came to know so much more about each other-and about themselves.

Follow Marshall and his family on their journey and learn the helpful and healthful tips and tricks they used to create a whole new lifestyle. Marshall knew his plan wouldn't always be easy, but his safe advice and kid-friendly tips will have your child eager to take charge in the kitchen, and in life as well!