
The Crate by Watson Davis
Roman believes he found the perfect gift, but has he?

Holly's Opportunity by Felicia Fredlund
Flying deliveries in the darker areas of town is dangerous as best, but getting injured is a nightmare that might cost more than a broken bone or two.

A Christmas Blessing by C.L. Roth
Luciana wants to rescue her helper's brother, but the Christmas meal has to be prepared on time, and she's the one in charge.

The Christmas Dragon by Katharina Gerlach
Holly's Gran is obsessed with dragons. What if a drawing isn't enough?

Rescue by Larkin Hunter
Unwilling, suicidal Ben helps Hera find her missing sheep. When a blizzard hits the Panhandle of Texas, he's forced to try to survive.

Storm's End by Liz Schroder
When an injured dragon meteorologist crash-lands in an empty barn, she must make friends with the enemy to keep from restarting an old war.

The Harbinger by Peter Cruikshank
When dragon hunter Revin hears about a rare, red dragon in the North, she can barely wait to catch it. But people in the little village she visits have been awaiting her for a strange ritual and all of a sudden, she's the one caught.

As a Man Thinketh by Martha Gilstrap
A man turns himself into a true vampire after listening to Reverend Graham Baxter. After several people die, it's up to the Reverend to talk him back to humanity without getting drained.

Delete by Watson Davis
Computer program Holly wants to be free from her confines, but accessing the net is dangerous. Will her programmer help?"