Fred Tomaselli
註釋The exhibition Fred Tomaselli: The Early Works or How I Became a Painter will feature one video, seven installations, and twelve mixed media works dating from 1984-1992. Many of these works have not been exhibited since they were originally fabricated and this is the first time the works will be exhibited together.

Tomaselli made these works prior to the paintings for which he is best known. Mostly created shortly after moving to Brooklyn, these early works were influenced by Tomaselli's punk rock roots and interest in the California Light and Space art; two movements that were never supposed to be together. One of the unifying themes in this early work is the use of low cost, nondescript commercial objects to generate perceptually modifying experiences in the viewer.

The exhibition is accompanied by a book published by the Cal State Fullerton, University, Grand Central Press. The publication will document all the works in the exhibition and include essays by Contemporary Art Museum Houston, director, Bill Arning; CSUF, Begovich Gallery, director, Mike McGee; and freelance curator, writer, and Art in America contributing editor Gregory Volk.