The Nonproliferation Predicament

The Nonproliferation Predicament is an authoritative and comprehensive look at U.S. nonprolif-eration policy. Top U.S. scholars, analysts, and policymakers focus on the period since the Reagan administration took office and address several questions about the current state of nuclear proliferation: As the international non-proliferation regime evolves will it continue to be responsive to the problem of proliferation? Or will it become superannuated by new technologies, or enmeshed in domestic and international political controversies and conflicting interests? What nonproliferation policies are likely to be effective in the 1980s and beyond, as nations continue efforts to establish and expand nuclear industrial bases, providing them with capabilities useful for the pursuit of weapons options in the future? Does the stagnation of the international nuclear market and the difficulties of nuclear threshold states like India give reasons for hope? Or will the limited proliferation of the past prove to have been a passing anomaly in military history?