
Developers face a constant struggle to launch projects on time and under budget, especially without pulling all-nighters. Fusebox helps ensure successful projects by providing a framework that serves as a base for applications. It's a standard process that makes projects more manageable and simplifies maintenance and requests for change during development. With this book, you'll learn to make ColdFusion applications reliably successful by following a standardized system. In addition, relying on the Fusebox framework to help plan and organize your ColdFusion code will allow you to write increasingly complex and specialized applications. Jeff Peters and Nat Papovich, both members of the Fusebox council, share their extensive experience in this book. They'll teach you to use Fusebox with your ColdFusion applications and develop a set of best practices for managing web projects. Read this book if you want to eliminate frustrations and roadblocks in your projects, such as unmanageable complexity, wasteful redundancy of effort, time-consuming code maintenance, and slow development speed.