The Foreknowledge of God
An Inquiry as to the Truthfulness of the Doctrine THEOLOGICALLY AND SCRIPTURALLY
出版Aletheia Pursuits International, 1941

 "And now with all due respect to those who honestly and prayerfully differ, I must commit the whole investigation to God, with the conviction that I have sought only His glory in it all, that He might withhold any false statements from the full comprehension of the reader, and magnify what truths are herein presented. We are before our great Maker as but dust, and know so little of His greatness, who has declared, "there shall no man see Me, and live." It must also be borne in mind that I am only endeavoring to present evidence to show that the doctrine of absolute foreknowledge lacks proof, and not to establish another doctrine in its place. Evidently fuller evidence is required to establish a new doctrine, than to simply refute the old one. It would certainly be a basis of fellowship if the brethren of the Lord would merely express a doubt on the doctrine of the absolute foreknowledge of God, and cease to regard it as a fundamental part of revelation—as indeed must have been the position of the Apostolic Church."
