Willow's Wonderful Wigs

Sydney's best friend is a mouse named Willow. They go everywhere together. Willow wishes she had long blond hair just like Sydney's. So Willow, being a very creative creature, designs wigs for herself. When Sydney gets cancer, her hair falls out from the chemo. But Willow knows exactly how to cheer Sydney up. Willow's Wonderful Wigs is a humorous, whimsical tale of love, friendship, creativity and happy endings. Then make your own mouse. Instructions included.

Willow's Wonderful Wigs replaces Emma the Mouse Brings Joy to the House (discontinued) which included symptoms, etc. Willow's Wonderful Wigs has no medical information included, aside from stating that Sydney has cancer and her hair will fall out from chemo. It is a much shorter book suitable for younger children.

This picture book is for children ages 3-8.