La Brecha Digital en América Latina
Evidencia y recomendaciones de política a partir de encuestas de hogares (The Digital Divide in Latin America: Evidence and policy recommendations from household surveys).
出版SSRN, 2016
註釋English Abstract: Paper presents empirical evidence and policy recommendations on how to connect to the Internet to approximately 250 million Latin Americans that remain unconnected. First, it analyzes patterns of spread of the Internet in Latin America on the basis of the most recent surveys of households. Second, the paper examines the population not connected in different dimensions: the demand gap and the reasons for not adopting Internet (affordability, skills, relevance and availability). The results contain a number of important lessons for policy makers. First, it is found that the demand factors are as important as supply factors to explain the failure to adopt Internet. Second, an important unmet demand for low-cost access, especially in homes with children of school age is verified. Third, gender gaps in access to Internet remain significant. Fourth, it verifies that language skills are a major barrier to adoption. Finally, the presence of school-age children at home has a strong spillover effect on Internet use by adults, although the effect on residential access is much weaker due to cost factors.