The Rise of Turkey

I combined my books "The Return of Jesus" and "Armies of the Heavens" under the same title.

Jesus Christ is going to be among us again, for sure. There are inevitably some signs of this blessed person's coming. So what are these signs? What causes Jesus Christ to be sent again on earth? How do we recognize him? What will change in the world after he arrives? While answering these questions, I have addressed some other individuals related to Jesus Christ, and some signs of doom.

Jesus (PBUH) was crucified?

Since Muhammad (PBUH) is the last of the prophets, why will Jesus (PBUH) come?

What are the signs of his coming?

What will he do when he arrives?

Who are end-time individuals and how do we know them?

What is the role of the Jews in the End Times?

Why did God allow the establishment of the state of Israel?

A Christian commander asks Fatih Sultan Mehmet Khan:

"How do you come out victorious in every battle? Whatever we did, no matter what we tried, we couldn't beat you."

Fatih Sultan Mehmet Khan answers: "Why are we not defeated? Because we also have an army in the sky!"

Wars that changed the course of history... Scenes of destiny's plan in human history... Nations assigned by destiny for special missions...

This work deals with two main issues. Divine help and destiny plan...

Besides, I made some explanations about angels that will remove doubts and delusions.

The Ottoman navy, comprising 122 galley-style ships, is against the allied forces with 608 galleons and galley-type navies. Which side wins according to the ordinary flow of life, the laws of nature or the laws of physics? Allied navy, of course. However, this legendary battle was won by the Ottoman navy under the command of Barbarossa Hayreddin Pasha. The side that the Almighty helps, not the strong side, wins wars and struggles...

We cannot grasp these recondite secrets. However, the lived stories I have told can give us a familiarity with the secrets of the universe, like a drop in the ocean.