The No-Nonsense Guide To Blizzard Safety

This e-book could save your life! The ebook edition (full color) to the No-Nonsense Guide To Blizzard Safety is the third in a series of crisis manuals focusing on natural (and man-made) disasters. This guide is designed to provide a comprehensive source for the latest research related to blizzard safety. Subjects covered include: providing a basic survey-level understanding of blizzards; how to be proactive in preparing for a blizzard; providing suggestions by government and weather professionals/researchers on the best courses of action before, during, & after a blizzard; what to do if trapped in a blizzard; what life-or-death issues remain after a blizzard has passed. This manual also contains several useful appendixes that include a suggestions about driving in treacherous winter weather and skidding protocols, a list of useful weather-warning smartphone and computer apps, and a detailed description of the various stages of frostbite.