Alternative Futures for the Education of Students with Severe Disabilities
註釋This book contains 23 papers given at a 1987 Edmonton (Canada) conference. Papers have the following titles and authors: "Current Trends and Future Challenges in the Education of Students with Severe Handicaps" (Dick Sobsey); "How Often Do You Need to Collect Student Performance Data? A Study of the Effects of Frequency of Probe Data Collection and Graph Characteristics on Teachers' Visual Inference" (Gail Munger et al.); "The Social LIFE Game for Teaching Functional Social Competence: A Program Description" (Joanne Bertrand); "Language and Communication Applications for Microcomputers" (Kathy Howery et al.); "The Children's Project: A Residential Option for Children with Developmental Disabilities" (Judy Smith); "A New Life-Style for Persons with Severe Disabilities: Supported Independence" (N. J. Marlett and H. MacLean); "Ecological Inventories and Curriculum Development for Special Education in Developing Countries" (David Baine); "A Data-Based Curriculum and Program Monitoring System for Deaf/Blind, PMH Secondary Students" (Dorothy O'Shea et al.); "Assessment and Rehabilitation of Severely Socially Deprived Deaf Adults" (Michael Rodda, et al.); "Transition in Minnesota" (Barbara Troolin and James House); "On Campus: Integrating the University Environment" (Bruce Uditsky et al.); "Alternatives in Community Living and Functional Education: Parents Speak Out" (L. Wilgosh); "Better Ways to Build Educational Routines" (P. Carreiro et al.); "Critical Factors in the Prescription of Technical Aids" (Michael Saya); "The World of Work: Is There a Match between Vocational Preparation and Employer Expectations?" (L. Wilgosh et al.); "Adjustment of Adults to a Visual Impairment: Preliminary Findings" (Marion Allen); "The Effects of Joint Activity Intervention on Children's Pragmatic Language Skills" (Catherine McCarthy et al.); "Why Change Our Service Delivery in Special Education?" (Vivian Skakun); "Integration--How Can We Make It Work?" (Vivian Skakun); "Idiots Savants: Retarded and Gifted" (Carolyn Yewchuk); "Teaching Ecologically-Based Communication Skills to Persons Who Are Developmentally Delayed" (Susan Sousie); "Stress and Supports to Families with a Handicapped Child" (Linda McDonald et al.); and "Adjustment of Families with Handicapped Children" (L. Wilgosh et al.). (DB)