Good Christian Girls

Lacey Heller is sure that nothing interesting could possibly happen at Camp Lavender, because it never does. Her parents have been running this Christian camp for girls ever since she can remember. Little does Lacey know that Jo Delgado is coming to camp this summer—and she’s going to change everything.

After the incident, Jo’s aunt sends her to Camp Lavender instead of the science camp she desperately wants to attend. Her aunt hopes that Camp Lavender will put Jo on the “right path,” influenced by nice girls like Lacey. The best Jo can hope for is to run a successful experiment so that she doesn’t waste her whole summer.
Lacey is a good Christian girl…or at least she thought she was. But Jo changes all that. There’s something different about Jo—and that something could get Lacey into big trouble.
Lacey and Jo must help each other untangle who they are from who everyone says they’re supposed to be.