Globalization: Through the Eyes of Suffering Children
A Public Theological Response to the Harmful Effects of Globalization on North American Urban Children
出版Bookemon, 2011-12-21
主題Religion / Biblical Studies / Old Testament / Historical Books
註釋This book, "Globalization: Through the Eyes of Suffering Children" surveys various harmful effects of globalized businesses on children. It reviews ancient/biblical-era subjugation of children due to kingdom ventures and it highlights children's present-day sufferings due to globalized businesses. T. L. Denson, the author, seeks to identify religion and culture as the "unfinished aspect" of the 21st Century globalizational processes, thus causing diverse harm to children in North America. In this book, the author surveys and compares various Christocentric religious approaches and seeks to advocate for collaboration for the sake of realizing children's safety and achievement. T. L. Denson seeks to add to the ocean of advocacy for children via culture and religion.