註釋Negotiations for a new EU-China Partnership & Cooperation Agreement have just got underway and are likely to take two to three years. This is the first book to explore the wide range of issues affecting the China-EU relationship, including the US factor, environmental issues, WTO, governance, trade matters, civil society, democracy, the RMB, energy security, arms embargo, UN reform, Taiwan, Japan, North Korea, Africa and many others. The result of an intense, collaborative exercise between over 30 respected Chinese and European scholars, this timely book highlights the necessity of a China-EU relationship and why it will be mutually beneficial. Recommendations for the harmonious development of relations between China and the EU are offered as well. Sample Chapter(s). Foreword by Chris Patten, the last Governor of Hong Kong from 1992 to 1997 (23 KB). A New Agenda (61 KB). Chapter 1: Key Elements of a Strategic Partnership (64 KB). Annex: List of Contributors (1,619 KB). Contents: Foreword (C Patten); A New Agenda (E Reuter); Strategic Issues: Key Elements of a Strategic Partnership (F Cameron & Y-N Zheng); Environment (D O'Gorman & C-Q Zhu); Energy (Y-F Ding); Security Issues (H Xing); The Reform of the UN (G Geeraerts, Z-M Chen & G Macaj); Geopolitics: The US Factor (A Small); Taiwan (J W Blankert); China and Its Neighbors (J Zhang); Japan (F Zhu); North Korea (G Ford); Iran (S Crossick & B-Y Wu); Africa (T-J Zhang); Trade Matters: The World Trade Organization (Y-F Ding); Market Economy Status (J-S Li); The RMB in the Global Currency Market (W van der Geest); The Arms Embargo (X-B Guo); Cultural and Social Reflections: Mutuality: Confucius and Monnet (S Crossick & H Zhou); Similarities and Differences (G Wacker); Governance (J-S Li); Developing a Chinese Civil Society (T Heberer); Knowledge, Economic Development and Democracy in China (J Wong); Promoting Mutual Understanding (S Crossick). Readership: Academics and think-tankers; decision-makers; opinion-formers; broader public policy audience.