Ludwig Ross Kai ī Ellada praktika toy Diethnoys Synedrioy, Athīna, 2-3 oktovrioy 2002
註釋This volume presents a collection of essays on the life and career of one of the pioneers of Greek archaeology in the nineteenth century, Ludwig Ross (1806-59), the first General Ephoros of Antiquities in modern Greece. Ross took an active interest in the protection of antiquities and the establishment of museums, and he conducted many important excavations and restorations during his career. Amongst his achievements were the foundation of the National Museum of Athens, and the transformation of the Acropolis from military stronghold to ancient site. The unfortunate end of his career in Greece was brought about by the revolution of 1743, which banned foreigners from holding government positions. As well as essays on the scholar, the original documents from a conference exhibition are reprinted, and an article on the personal effects of the man, now in Kiel, as well as a catalogue, are also included. German text, with 8 Greek contributions.