The Anatolian Shepherd as a Family Dog
Successfully Raising Your Anatolian Shepherd to Thrive as a Family Dog
出版LP Media Inc, 2021-11-15
主題Pets / Dogs / BreedsPets / Dogs / GeneralPets / Dogs / Training

New Anatolian owner Ben Smith was caught off-guard when he rescued his lovable, headstrong puppy Theo. Having never owned a Livestock Guardian breed before, Ben and his wife Laura didn't know what to do, or how to handle, a new puppy who seemed driven to work every second of the day. Through lots of hard work, trial-and-error, and patient love, they learned what it takes to keep an active Anatolian Shepherd puppy engaged, exercised, and fulfilled living a non-working life as a family dog. Through this process, they realized that it takes a unique approach to keep Theo happy and fulfilled even when he doesn't have a flock to guard or a full-time job to do.

Using input and advice from several members of the ASDCA (Anatolian Shepherd Dog Club of America), this book is a culmination of Ben's experiences with Theo that is designed to help any new Anatolian owner know exactly what to expect from this incredible and unique breed. Covering topics such as:

The history of the Anatolian Shepherd

Behavioral characteristics

Preparing for an Anatolian in your home

Supplies you'll need to have


Socializing an Anatolian with other breeds

Physically AND mentally exercising an Anatolian

Basic training concepts and techniques

Dealing with unwanted behaviors

Nutrition advice

Health and wellness

Senior Anatolian Shepherd care

The Anatolian Shepherd has an unmistakable personality that necessitates potential owners to do their homework to appreciate and realize the full potential of this strong and highly intelligent breed. Traditionally a working breed, any new owner who is bringing an ASD into their home as a family companion needs to understand the personality and requirements that come along with ownership. This book outlines exactly what any family should know to successfully raise an ASD from puppyhood to old age and to create the best environment for the Anatolian Shepherd and family to thrive together.

Contained within these pages you will find tips, tricks, and anecdotal evidence to help you understand the advice presented in this book. The Anatolian Shepherd Dog is truly a thing of beauty, and by arming yourself with the knowledge to better prepare for life with your ASD, you are well on your way to many rewarding years with your family dog.