Книга времен и событий
история российских евреев
出版Гешарим, 2002
註釋After briefly describing the history of the Jews in medieval Europe, with its persecutions, murders and expulsions of Jews, discusses the history of the Jews in Poland and Russia. Dwells on the rise of antisemitism in Poland during the Counter-Reformation and the mass murder of Jews in Ukraine and Poland by Pavlyuk, Chmielnicki, Czarnecki, and the haidamaks. Relates the struggle against the "Judaizers" in Russia and the brutal persecution of converts to Judaism in Poland and Russia. Considers antisemitism in Russia to have been imported from Poland. Discusses the policies of Tsar Nicholas I in regard to the Jews, especially forced conscriptions to the army. Describes the pogroms of 1881-84; the expulsion of the Jews from Moscow in 1891; economic restrictions; the Kishinev pogrom and the pogroms of 1905-6; the increase in hostility toward converted Jews in the 1900s-1910s; the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion"; the Beilis blood libel case; the mass expulsion of the Jews from the area of the front in 1914-15; and the pogroms of the Civil War period in 1918-21.