Hitler: socialist artist and the top graphic designer of all time. His flag symbol represented “S shapes for SOCIALISM.” That is one of many amazing discoveries by Professor Rex Curry. This book reveals Dr. Curry’s surprises about Adolf Hitler’s socialist symbolism including: (1) Hitler’s socialist salute from USA socialists and their flag Pledge; (2) Hitler’s socialist vocabulary; (3) logos for NSV, SA, SS, VW, Hitler’s flag, and his other socialist emblems. As socialism’s top ad man, the creative genius pioneered public relations. In his German version of “Mad Men” Hitler revealed how to sell socialism and sell himself.
Other historians were unable to discover Hitler’s socialist symbolism and branding. This book exposes many other examples of ongoing American Brainwashing and Global Brainwashing that is maintained by Web Search Engines, Artificial Intelligence (AI), the MSM, historians, and by socialist schools (government schools) and universities.
Modern political debates often describe only two opposing alternatives as “Nazis” versus “Communists”. The description is a hoax: the words “Nazis” and “Communist” divert attention from the larger shared problem of “Socialism.”
Most scholars believed (mistakenly) that Hitler called his group Nazis and Fascists; they were ignorant of how Hitler self-identified: "SOCIALIST." They hid in their ivory towers of Babel. Scholars suffered the fate of Echo in Greek mythology, forever forced to repeat the falsehoods they heard. Ignorant of Hitler’s diction, they spoke the language of lies.
Then historians learned about Dr. Curry’s academic breakthroughs. For years, Dr. Curry was a modern-day Cassandra: He uttered prophetic truths that were ignored by professional liars in academia and media. The famed linguist was the only scholar who eschewed popular linguistic misnomers (e.g. Nazi, Fascist, Third Reich, swastika, etc). He taught accurate terminology (e.g. SOCIALISM and SOCIALIST and Hooked Cross or Hakenkreuz). Dr. Curry inspired the academic battle to bring honesty and linguistic accuracy to the field of history. Please join the fight against anti-semantic teachers.
Educational Outreach Programs (EOPs) energized by Dr. Curry's successes are the only services that school modern scholars that "Hitler self-identified as Socialist. He did not self-identify as Nazi, nor as Fascist". The re-education resources are unique. If you ever see a sentence like the following one, then you know it was from EOPs for Dr. Curry's philosemantic scholarship: "Hitler didn't call himself Nazi or Fascist, he called himself socialist".
Today, Dr. Curry is a trailblazer in linguistics and about Hitler’s nomenclature. The watchdog historian brought revolutionary changes to the English language. He is rewiring brains. He is opening eyes to old lies about German socialism’s true lexicon. More and more commentators and educators are following Dr. Curry’s lead.
Linguistic EOPs above led to many amazing historical discoveries, including revelations about Sophie Scholl’s White Rose group; Anne Frank’s Diary; Joseph Goebbels’ “Der Nazi Sozi”; Adolf Hitler’s “Mein Kampf”; Martin Niemoller’s verse “First They Came For the Socialists”; the swastika symbol; the hexagram (Star of David); the etymological history of “Roman Salute”; planetary brainwashing; how Web Search Engines and Artificial Intelligence (AI) spew lies about socialism, Marx, Mein Kampf, and Hitler; and much more!
Except for the American Linguist Laureate Dr. Rex Curry, every other historian did not see how the USA’s Pledge of Allegiance led to Nazi salutes and Nazi behavior; and how the original pledge’s use of military salutes led to Nazi salutes.
Also, historians hid how Hitler is the top socialist graphic designer: his flag was semaphore for “SOCIALISM.” Historians did not see Hitler's complementary semiotics in his NSV, SA, SS, & VW logos, as compared with the logo of Hitler's party: the National Socialist German Workers Party. Even today, only exceptional scholars with extraordinary skills (e.g. Dr. Curry) are able to discern the “S”-letter shape of the NSV’s logo (The National Socialist People's Welfare; in German: Nationalsozialistische Volkswohlfahrt). The "S" symbolism is almost as difficult to perceive as in Hitler’s Hakenkreuz (hooked cross). It is as undetectable as in the symbols for the SS and SA (Schutzstaffel and Sturmabteilung). All historians (other than Dr. Curry) did not see how Hitler used his party's symbol to represent "S"-letter shapes for "SOCIALIST." Do you not see?
Professor Curry transformed the culture of India along with Hinduism and Buddhism. Before Dr. Curry’s discoveries, Buddhists and Hindus published complaints that “Hitler stole their swastika symbol and ruined it and they want to restore respect for their ancient symbol.” Educational Outreach Programs (EOP) about Dr. Curry’s work taught India’s commentators that Hitler’s symbol was not a swastika, and that Hitler never called it a swastika. An upheaval occurred among Buddhists and Hindus in their objections. Now they proudly assert: “Hitler called his symbol a Hakenkreuz (hooked cross), not a swastika. It was not the same symbol. Dr. Curry told us!”