Drunk with Pleasure
註釋Schooled in serious art he may be, but Nick Wadley also has a full-bodied whimsical side, as proven here in Drunk with Pleasure. With pun in cheek and a deft, minimalist style of drawing, he gives readers a skewed but comprehensive overview of favorite vintages. Showing none of the arrogance so often associated with the wine crowd, Wadley pays homage to both the lowly and the exalted, like Chateau LaFeet. The intoxicating glossary at the back of this little gem is a handy reference for experts and neophytes alike.

ick Wadley headed the Department of Art History at the Chelsea School of Art in London for fifteen years. As an art historian, he has written chiefly about late-nineteenth-century painting and drawing. Wadley also writes about modern and contemporary art and has curated exhibitions and lectured in Europe, the United States, and Japan. Since the mid-nineties his drawings and cartoons have been appearing in catalogs, journals, and newspapers.