The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Trees of Britain & Europe
註釋This superbly illustrated book is a comprehensive identification reference to pver 500 of the most important and best-known trees of Britan and Europe. It presents all the key indigenous and imported species such as such as oaks, yews, junipers, larches, spruces, magnolias, elms, beeches, chestnuts, birches, alders, limes, hornbeams, poplars and willows. It can be used as a field guide or an educational tool to learn about how trees grow, the environments they grow in, and the species and varieties that proliferate in different areas of this varied continent. A detailed introduction looks at the origins of trees, how they have evolved over time and the ways in which they have adapted to suit the variety of terrains in which they thrive. Each of a tree's constituent parts - bark, trunk, leaves, needles, cones, flowers, and fruit - are looked at in detail and the author discusses the role each plays in the tree's survival. The variety of habitats in which trees proliferate, from temperate forests to mountainous regions, are also described. The book then presents an extensive illustrated encyclopedia of the most common, popular, prolific or unusual trees found in Britain and Europe. Each entry is illustrated with a clear watercolour artwork and includes details such as bark texture and colour, leaf shape and size, flowering time and special features, as well as average height and overall tree shape, so that trees can be easily identified. In addition, there are colour photographic details of many of the trees, and maps illustrate the natural distribution of each one. With over 1750 colour photographs, artworks, illustrations and maps, this encyclopedic resourcebook is perfect for home or school study, and a fantastic addition to any family reference library.