African Union New Cryptocurrency
African Union Central Bank New Cryptocurrency
出版Xlibris Corporation, 2020-10-18
主題Law / General
註釋This book is talking about new money. It’s called “African-coins. It must change practically an awkward situation on behalf of Somalis to understand all civil wars. The United Nation, Middle East countries, and the International Community created our problems, but please, this time, Somalis will need to be free down. All Somalia ambassadors around the world should be changing to Somalia Central Banks all of them. In this book, African-coin new proposal to create the African Union and State of Somalia government new money. It is called the new “Cryptocurrency”. However, how does African Union and Somalia except new investment own Banks, land, and production? It’s new money and an identical satisfaction to suggest those people have no future. This is my second point, I am an author, and I am going to talk about African coins. I am going to disconnect your exchangeable 85 million people from your investment. African coins are getting enough money to invest in our African Central Banks. In conclusion, it is divided your backing amongst a bank saving accounts and shared account and States brokers, money markets accounts. African Union Central Banks did not have enough money, but they will need new money in our African bank. It is an emergency. African-coin is going to blow your speculation justification without it, and it is categorically required, and African-coin Youngest and Education people want new investment.