Zuper Zero

Your children will love this super her story. You'll probably like it too. Derek has no super powers. So, how did he become a super hero? He just happened to be near Electrion when they were rescued by the Elken Folk. He was kind of Electrion's older brother.

But, Derek is the only one who thinks he has zero super powers. Everybody else really likes his super power. And that's why they call him Zuper Zero. Can you guess what his super power is?

This story isn't just about Zuper Zero. It's also about Electrion, Red, and Green - and all the other Super Heroes and Heroines.

This is also a story between a Dad and his young son who's wondering what his super power will be. Mom would have been in the story more. But, she's Red. And at the beginning of the story, she's off doing Super Hero stuff.